Join the Purple Book Community's upcoming virtual session welcoming special guest speaker Jim Manico, Founder of Manicode Security. Jim will lead an exploration of the rise of AI in coding, highlighting both the benefits and challenges of AI-generated code, particularly around security.
This session will cover how AI tools can improve development speed, consistency, and reduce errors, while also posing risks like resource leaks, insecure data handling, and API misuse. Jim's talk will present a secure AI code lifecycle, focusing on translating security requirements into prompt structures, validating AI-generated code, and iteratively refining prompts. Emphasis is placed on secure prompt engineering to mitigate vulnerabilities and on best practices to ensure AI-generated code aligns with security standards.
About Jim
Jim Manico is the Founder of Manicode Security, a company dedicated to providing expert training in secure coding and security engineering to software developers. His work at Manicode Security reflects his commitment to elevating software security standards in the industry.
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